Real Flower Jewelry Parties

Posted by Ali Powell on 4/23/17 7:53 AM

Real Flower Jewelry Parties

Posted by Ali Powell on 4/23/17 7:53 AM
Ali Powell
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I love jewelry. I love flowers.

What happens when you put jewelry and flowers together...FLORAL MAGIC is what. You get the best thing ever: Flower Jewelry. 

I peruse Pinterest quite a bit. Pinterest has so many amazing flowers and floral ideas to check out. Lately there are A LOT of pins with flower jewelry. I think this calls for a new flower party class.

The birth of real flower jewelry is an amazing thing. What a great way to show off your creative juices.

You can make flower rings, flower hairpieces, flower necklaces, flower bracelets, flower barrettes.

So many cool flower party options to do in the future.

So without further ado here are some of my favorites that I found on Pinterest lately in the flower jewelry and floral hairpiece realms. I hope you will join me in a class where we celebrate by creating flower jewelry and floral hairpieces.








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Topics: flower jewelry, floral jewelry, Real Flower Jewelry Parties


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