Let's Flower Party Picnic Style: Real Flower Bracelets, Real Flower Rings & Real Flower Crowns

Posted by Ali Powell on 4/24/17 9:12 AM

Let's Flower Party Picnic Style: Real Flower Bracelets, Real Flower Rings & Real Flower Crowns

Posted by Ali Powell on 4/24/17 9:12 AM
Ali Powell
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Yesterday I had the opportunity to help out at a friend's foster kid party celebration by doing a flower crown picnic. The family decided to become foster parents and part my friend Tori hosted a picnic outside for the family's friends and loved ones with a flower crown party on the yard.

As we started to do the flower crowns I was inspired to use some of the flowers to create real flower bracelets and real flower rings.

The way you do this is by taking your floral wire and wrapping it with floral tape to create the base of the bracelet or the flower ring. Then you will start to wrap around some greenery to the real flower bracelet. From there similar to creating a flower crown you will start to put your flowers onto the real flower bracelet.

Here are some fun pictures of our flower crown party including flower bracelets and flower rings, AND OF COURSE flower crowns. A flower picnic party is so much fun and allows you to be able to create lots of different options for the group involved.


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Topics: DIY flower crown party, flower crown baby shower, flower jewelry, real flower crown, Real Flower Jewelry Parties, flower bracelets, flower rings, real flower rings, flower crown party, real flower jewelry, real flower bracelets


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