Fourth of July is right around the corner. It is next Tuesday!
As you start to plan your 4th of July outfit for your celebrations we figured it would be fun to offer flower crowns for Fourth of July. Think Red, White and Blue flowers made up into a cute, fun crown to wear for all your Fourth of July festivities.
Baby's breath flower crowns are perfect for a classy fourth of July celebration.

We can also do faux crowns made of big red, white and blue flowers. Then you could save it for next year too!

If you want to host a 4th of July Flower Crown party let me know. We can also ship out the faux forth of July crowns to get to you for next week.

Hope we can help make your fourth of July parties even cuter and prettier with a fresh flower crown or a silk flower crown with red, white and blue flowers!

Request your 4th of July flower crowns here.
Let's Flower party 4th of July Style ladies!