Floral Letters 101

Posted by Ali Powell on 3/30/17 8:40 AM

Floral Letters 101

Posted by Ali Powell on 3/30/17 8:40 AM
Ali Powell
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There are so many fun ways to enjoy flowers. Flowers make me happy. Flowers make me smile. I am always trying to think of fun and different ways to use flowers and greenery for decoration around my house as well as for floral classes that I host.

Floral letters are a great decoration and additions to your pictures for events like bridal showers, baby showers, birthday parties, bachelorette parties, etc.

There are a few ways that you can make these floral letters.

1. Go to Michael's or to places that have Floral Foam.

Floral foam looks like this:


Floral Letters .jpg

So what does floral foam do? It allows you to puncture the foam with your flowers and greenery to create a pretty letter!

Once you have your floral foam you will want to some how shape the foam into the shape of the letter or letters you are going to make your floral letter into.

2. This is where having something to shape the letter/s into comes in handy.

There are places where you can buy letters that you can push and mold the floral foam into the letter. But, there is a really easy way to do this that doesn't cost that much money. USE LEFTOVER SHIPPING BOXES that you get in the mail from all your lovely online shopping. :) Come on, I am not the only one with a constant influx of boxes to my house, right? RIGHT?

Cut that box up and tape it together so it forms the letter or letters you are going to use with the flowers and greenery to create the floral letter or floral letters.

If you aren't handy dandy like that or don't feel like doing that part on your own then go buy one. You can sometimes find these letters pre made at craft stores or florist stores.

Search "cardboard craft letters" on Google. The results will show you many places where you can buy cardboard craft letters where you can mold the foam into the letter. THESE ARE REALLY CHEAP!


Cardboard Craft Letters for Floral Letters.png

If you do end up going that easy route and just buy the cardboard letter I would suggest cutting off the top part of the letter so you can start to mush your foam in there.

Another option is by searching for Marquee Metal Letters. Here is an example of Marquee Metals Letters.


Marquee Metal Letters for Floral Letters.jpg

3. Now here comes the fun part! FLORAL LETTER PARTY commence!

Now you just need to start cutting up little flowers and greenery. Take about 3-5 pieces and put them into a little bunch. Take your Floral wire or floral tape & wrap the wire or tape around that little bunch. Once you have the little bunch you are going to start just pushing it into the foam to secure it to the foam letter.

Wahlaaaaa... you are now a floral letter pro!


How to make floral letters.jpg


Floral letters -1.jpg

These floral letters can also be made with fake flowers if you don't want to do them with real flowers. I tend to think real flowers are better and prettier than fake flowers but if you are not down with real flowers go to Michael's or other craft stores and pick out some fake flowers. You can definitely make floral letter with fake flowers or real flowers. They will both look beautiful.

If you do end up making one please tag @fetesdefleurs on Instagram so I can see what you do!

If you want me to make a floral letter or floral letters for you I can. If you want to have a floral letter party where I teach a group a class on how to do this I can do that too.



Topics: flower letters, floral letter class, floral letters, flower letter class


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