DIY Floral Monograms & DIY Floral Letters 

Posted by Martha Murphy on Feb 17, 2018 9:32:47 AM
Martha Murphy
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In no time at all I will be the mom of two boys. "Boy Mom" is a common stereotype found on social media- if you don’t think "Boy Mom" is a real thing- check out this blog on Huffington Post here. I can only imagine what the next fifteen years have in store for me. 


I like to think that I do and will continue to raise my children as kind, caring humans without regard to gender, but I have noticed the difference between my two and half year old and his female peers. Never have I ever drilled my son on the differences between construction vehicles- and yet he is somehow still able to tell you the difference between a front end loader and a excavator. He can identify every single yellow truck we drive past- and if I point one out he is quick to congratulate me on “ [Getting] that one right, Mama” or corrects me. 

I am forever grateful to be the mom of boys. I feel blessed everyday and lucky to raise the next generation of kind men. But, sometimes, I do feel like I am missing something in parenting girls. I pass the girls clothing departments and swoon over the floral dresses and headbands (my wallet rejoices that my sons have enough pairs of plaid shorts, polo shirts and khakis to keep them well outfitted) And flowers, boys just don’t wear flower crowns as well as girls. The mobile above my sons bed (until he pulled it down six months ago) were sailboats not a beautiful homemade floral chandelier. My secret nursery pinterest board has visions of tea sets and mermaids alongside whales, ships’ wheels and trains.

So, it is because of my role as "Boy Mom" that when someone I’m close to has a daughter that my mind goes into full floral mode. This is what happened with Maisie Howard. Born January 27th Maisie is the second daughter "Girl Mom" of my good friend Kellie. As the newest girl in my life Maisie has been receiving my full floral creative hurricane.

Starting with a Floral Monogram for her wall.


Materials & Tools Required

  • Faux Flowers
  • Dry Craft Foam
  • Paper Mache Letter
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Scissors
  • Exacto Knife- Razor/Box Cutter
  • Optional Frame- Matting- Paint


floral monogram letters
  1. Start with a three dimensional paper mache letter. You can find these at plenty of craft shops- although it ALWAYS seems like you see them until you are looking- so I ended up buying mine on Amazon. Using an exacto knife or razor remove one side of the letter- so that you end up with a letter shaped box.
floral letter DIY


 2.  Fill the letter. Cut floral craft foam to tightly fit your letter- this foam does not need to be an oasis because we will be working with faux flowers. Be sure that your foam is secured with glue inside your letter.


floral monogram letters

3.  Arrange flowers. Cut your stems almost as deep as your letter box to ensure they are well anchored in the foam- I used hot glue to ensure that blooms stayed in place where I wanted them.


fresh flower letters

 4.  Hang your letter or letters. They look lovely as is but adding a frame gives it something extra and can help stand out on larger walls. Optionally you could paint the outside edge of your letter if you aren’t a fan of the craft paper color. 

I cannot wait to share more of Maisie’s florals with you! Stay tuned!

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Topics: floral letter class, floral letters, floral monogram DIY, fresh flower letters, floral letter DIY

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