Flower Crown parties and bachelorette parties

A love letter to my budding business

Written by Ali Powell | 10/27/17 5:44 PM

Hi flower lovers and supporters of our small, side hustle becoming more than just a side hustle. :)

This is a love letter to my business for helping me to get back to a better version of myself through this budding flower party business.

Thank you to everyone out there who supported my crazy flower crown making idea in the early days. To everyone who asked me or questioned how flower crowns could be a legit business- well, it has worked and we are happy to announce we are expanding. 

Fetes de Fleurs has been proven to work here in the Charleston, SC area. I am so thankful for every bachelorette party who flower partied with us this year. I am so thankful to every flower party we have had and for everyone who has bought something from me this year or attended a flower party of some sort. You made me a business owner. Thank you. 

You helped me to achieve this big crazy dream I have always had of starting my own business.

We are so excited to take our small dent here in the Charleston bachelorette party market and bring it to more cities to flower party with you all. We have really only just begun. I am so excited to bring on our first group of flower party hosts to help us grow into other cities where we can flower party with more people around the country.

1. We love you for supporting us.
2. We are more than pumped to announce that we HAVE officially expanded throughout the US.

Fetes de Fleurs is a budding business. Fetes de Fleurs was built from my love for flowers, love for women meeting other women in a fun way, and my undying passion to want to help women make a side income doing something girly, and creative.

Building this little business has helped me recover from heartbreak. Helped me to pick myself up off the ground many times when I was sad from a big life change that I never saw coming.  I started Fetes de Fleurs in March when I moved here from Boston, MA to Charleston, SC. I have never looked back. 

Fetes de Fleurs has been and always will be my saving grace.

Fetes de Fleurs gave me love again when I needed it most.

Fetes de Fleurs gave me reason and being.

Fetes de Fleurs  was and still is a way for me to focus on something else other than the pain and heartbreak I was experiencing after a long term relationship coming to an end.

This flower party business has helped me heal and get back to being me again.

Anyone out there who is experiencing heartbreak or an unexpected divorce, separation or breakup...I highly recommend going for it. Go for something bigger than yourself. Getting used to being single after a long term relationship is not easy. I don't wish that on anyone. BUT, I can say that it forced me to do more with myself.

After the work day was done I knew if I sat home by myself and wallowed in my sadness I would not get anywhere and I would not heal. I needed something else to spend my time on. .

Don't just wallow in the sadness and fact that you don't know how to be alone anymore. Do something for yourself.

Starting this business gave me something else to focus on other than my sadness and real fear of being alone at the age of 33. Fetes de Fleurs made me spend my time on something more than feeling bad for myself. It made me focus on something more than just me. Having something to spend my time and effort on after work was what I needed. It gradually built me back up and helped me to bud life back into myself.

That little bud grew and grew into a tall flower with so much more life than the me that I was before.

Charleston is an amazing place to start a business. There is so MUCH support for women owned businesses here.  I am so thankful for the community of women entrepreneurs here in Charleston. It has blown me away with how kind, caring and supportive the women are here in this small city of each other. 

Charleston, SC is a tourist city. People come here for bachelorette parties, bachelor parties, weddings, ladies weekends, moms weekends away, etc. It was clear to me that flower crown parties would be a great way to spend my time and woudl make me happy again. I could focus on helping these bachelorette groups have the best weekend possible by incorporating flowers into their party weekend. 

There are certain cities in the US that really tend to see ladies weekends away and bachelorette parties. Flower crown making parties seems like a natural fit for these kinds of celebrations and weekend trips.

So, Why am I expanding?

Kind of simple. The model works and makes MONEY (Insert my favorite Shark Tank person here saying, "Tell me how it makes MONEY?!"

There is a market for these kinds of flowery, girly parties. We all go to bachelorette parties, bridal showers, baby showers, events, work things, weddings, etc where we could use a fun, flowery activity to make the party that much better. 

I want to empower more women around the US to make a side income by hosting flower parties in their cities and regions. 

We hope you will come flower party with us in cities around the US!